Organizational Audits

Organizational audits to measure how well you meet expectations and help plan targeted improvements.

Our online organizational audits measure how well your organization’s leadership, strategic capabilities, or HR function meet the expectations of your most important stakeholders. You’ll know how your organization compares to global norms and how well you measure up in specific facets of effective and impactful leadership and HR. More importantly, you’ll know what to do to improve.

Get the whole picture.

In order to effectively transform leadership or HR in your organization, you first have to understand what really matters to business results and which changes will have the biggest impact on your business.

Our audits are connected to outside stakeholder needs.

The RBL Group’s audits are specifically designed to identify and measure what matters, namely how well your organization meets customer and investor needs through its leadership and strategic HR capabilities. With each audit, you get a detailed report of the results, benchmarked against global norms, along with insight into the business impact of the results and business requirements for future needs.

Our organizational audits include:

The RBL Leadership Brand Audit

Find out how effectively are you building leaders in your organization. The RBL Leadership Brand Audit assesses your organization’s performance on key elements of leadership against global benchmarks and the performance of the best companies identified in The Top Companies for Leaders study. These data show how well your organization is building leaders who deliver the results your stakeholders value most.

The HR Effectiveness Audit

This audit provides a unique perspective on what it takes to be a high-performing HR organization, building on Dave Ulrich’s impactful research on strategic HR and supported by our global longitudinal research project with the University of Michigan Ross School of Business (the HR Competency Study). Raters from across the organization assess the effectiveness of the HR function to evaluate HR’s current performance and identify opportunities for growth.

The Organizational Capabilities Audit

Understand the unique ways your organization provides value. This audit measures perceptions of your organization’s strength in each of 12 organizational capabilities. By identifying and improving on the capabilities that matter most in your organization, that are difficult for competitors to copy, and that help give you a lasting competitive advantage, your business will be able to achieve and sustain superior performance.

Invest wisely in transformation.

When you know what will create the most impact for your business, where you stand in that area, and what you need to improve, you can more confidently engage in transformation initiatives, knowing they will deliver the results your organization needs most to excel.