RBL Leadership Code® 360 Assessment

Our Leadership Code 360 Assessment can help you develop leaders that deliver results that matter.

Decades of empirical research show that 60-70% of the attributes of leadership effectiveness are the same for all leaders. The RBL Leadership Code 360 Assessment helps your leaders know how well they’ve mastered the five fundamentals of exceptional leadership.

Without stakeholder perspective, development is limited.

Leaders at all levels of the organization, from the C-suite to individual contributors, often have their own ideas of where they are weak and strong. Without perspective from the people they work with and for, these ideas can be shortsighted and development efforts can miss the mark.

A 360 view helps leaders focus on the capabilities that really matter. 

The RBL Leadership Code® is a research-based synthesis of the five critical domains of knowledge, skill, and attributes essential for effective leadership: strategy, execution, talent management, human capital development, and personal proficiency. Leadership Code assessments help leaders better understand their performance in these five foundational areas. The assessment can also be customized to include questions based on your firm’s unique leadership differentiators so you can measure what really matters to your stakeholders and focus on issues that will have the greatest impact.

By contrasting self-perspective with feedback from raters throughout the organization, including internal and external stakeholders, leaders come away with a comprehensive view of their strengths and opportunities in a simple, clear report.

The RBL Leadership Code®

Target your assessment to the right expectations.

Different levels of leadership have different expectations. Good communication in a front-line leader involves different behaviors than good communication in an executive. To make sure leaders are measured on what matters for their stakeholders, the RBL Group offers four stratified versions of the Leadership Code Assessment:

  • Individual Contributor
  • Front-Line Leader
  • Manager/Director
  • Executive/C-Suite

Each version is available as a 360, 180, or self-assessment:

Focus on the feedback that matters.

Strengths that strengthen and weaknesses that matter are where leaders must focus their attention for the greatest impact on results. Leadership Code assessment reports include custom analyses, such as engagement of direct reports, potential pitfalls or derailers, and performance on top 10 critical leader behaviors. Leaders can see how their scores compare to high-performing leaders and read verbatim feedback from raters. RBL can provide a debrief and insights into the assessment results as well as help with establishing an individual development plan based on the results.

Request a free sample report

Make lasting change.

Knowing what to change is the easy part. Actually following through on changing personal behaviors is the real challenge. To help leaders make the changes identified in their assessments, RBL offers follow-up 360s and other tools to make the most of the assessment feedback:

RBL Pulse 360s

The real value of 360s comes only when participants execute their development plans. We help participants create their own accountability by going public with their goals to their managers or direct reports. And we can provide a follow-up 360 survey that measures improvement and provides interim and/or final progress measures for each individual. 


Momentum is an online development tool that helps individuals react positivity to their 360 results. It’s designed to help leaders turn feedback from their 360 assessments into meaningful personal change. Learn more.